
Adding a VoLTE service on top of the IMS core | August 29, 2023

VoLTE is a technology that allows voice calls to be carried over the LTE network, instead of using the legacy circuit-switched networks. VoLTE offers better voice quality, lower latency, and more efficient use of network resources.

However, VoLTE also poses some challenges for service providers who want to offer value-added services, such as call forwarding, call waiting, conferencing, call screening, etc. These services require some intelligence and control in the network, which are not natively supported by the LTE architecture. This is where the ISC and the IFC come in.

The ISC is a logical interface that connects the IMS switching core to an Application Server (AS) to extend its capabilities as the IMS itself only provides a set of standardized service enablers, such as presence, messaging, and session control.

The IFC is a mechanism that defines how the IMS handles incoming and outgoing sessions for a given subscriber. The IFC specifies which AS should be invoked for a particular session, and what conditions should trigger the invocation.

By using the ISC interface and the IFCs, the VoLTE network can leverage the IMS capabilities to create additional services for voice calls. For example, when a VoLTE subscriber initiates a call, the IMS can use the IFC to determine which AS should be involved in the session. The AS can then apply the service logic according to the subscriber's profile and preferences. Similarly, when a VoLTE subscriber receives a call, the IMS can use the IFC to route the call to the appropriate AS, which can then perform actions such as screening, filtering, or diverting the call.

Slicce's ISC-AEF is a microservice that implements the ISC interface and provides a REST API for developing and deploying VAS applications. The ISC-AEF can be a part of a larger workload which could includes also CAPIF-CF and other API Exposure Functions to enrich application supports to various protocols, such as SIP, Diameter, HTTP, etc., and allows the creation of service logic using graphical tools or scripting languages. 

By using the IFCs and the Slicce ISC-AEF connected to the IMS core via ISC interface, service providers can create additional services for their VoLTE customers in a flexible and scalable way. For example, they can implement a service that allows customers to select different call treatments based on their location, time of day, or caller ID. They can also create a service that allows customers to access their voicemail or other web-based applications during a call.

In conclusion, the ISC interface and the IFCs are key enablers for VAS in VoLTE networks. Slicce's ISC-AEF is a powerful tool for developing and deploying VAS applications using these interfaces. Together, they offer a solution for enhancing the customer experience and generating new revenue streams for service providers.

The 3 Levels of Programmable Wireless, August 25, 2023

Programmable wireless is a technology that allows developers to create and manage cellular connections for their devices, applications, and services. Programmable wireless connectivity can enable various use cases, such as IoT, smart cities, connected vehicles, remote monitoring, and more. 

One of the key aspects of programmable wireless connectivity is the ability to control the level of connectivity for each device or service. This can help optimize performance, cost, security, and reliability. There are different levels of programmable wireless connectivity, depending on the needs and preferences of the developers and users.

The lowest level of programmable wireless is the SIM card level. This level provides the basic functionality of connecting a device to a cellular network, using a SIM card that contains the necessary information and credentials. The SIM card level allows developers to choose from different network operators and plans, but does not offer much flexibility or control over the connection parameters.

The next level of programmable wireless is the API level. This level allows developers to access and manipulate the connection settings and data through a web-based interface or a software development kit (SDK). The API level enables developers to monitor and manage the connection status, usage, billing, and analytics of their devices and services. The API level also allows developers to implement features such as SMS, voice, data roaming, and geolocation.

The highest level of programmable wireless is the platform level. This level provides a comprehensive solution for creating and managing cellular connections for complex and large-scale applications and services. The platform level offers a cloud-based infrastructure that handles the provisioning, orchestration, security, scalability, and reliability of the connections. The platform level also provides tools and frameworks for developing and deploying applications and services that leverage the programmable wireless connectivity.

Programmable wireless is a powerful and versatile technology that can enable new possibilities and opportunities for developers and users. By choosing the appropriate level of programmable wireless connectivity, developers can create customized and optimized solutions that meet their specific needs and goals.

Now let's focus on Level 2 programmable wireless; because this level is about to be exploited in the future much more than it is today. Level 2 programmable wireless, the Network Level can be split in several sub-levels:

Operators playing a role in the Cellular IoT verticals already implemented some level of Network APIs, most typically sub-level 2-1 and 2-2. These more less already became a commodity in the market. The race is now around 2 major factors:

All this creates some new opportunities for entrepreneurs and IoT providers, as their is plenty of place for innovation using these new Network APIs, and even for hyperscalers that are already looking at how to aggregate APIs from the mobile operators and resell this to their developer communities.

Allowing a 3rd party tp publish APIs into an API Gateway where other 3rd parties are consuming APIs while managing rating limits, API access, realtime charging and provide a secure opperation is what Slicce CAPIF Core Funtion is about.

Read more on CAPIF Core Funtion page.

Slicce in a nutshell | August 21, 2023

What are key challenges of the modern Telco in today's market dynamics after deploying 5G? | August 16, 2023

4 problem statements that Slicce is looking to address with its cloud communication foundation:

While the industry focus on the last problem only through 3GPP Network Exposure Function, GSMA Open Gateway Initiative and CAMARA project, Slicce is looking at wider scope of the challenges the Telco has to through, to optimize its costs and grow revenues.

The Programmable Network with 3GPP Common API Framework | July 27, 2023

An industry standard raised to harmonize all APIs in one common platform for authentication, authorization, accounting and security enforcements.

While 5G Northbound APIs allows network APIs such as mobile location, device triggering, non-IP data delivery, private LAN, slicce management, behavior analytics and more...

And while GSMA Open Gateway Initiative is looking to provide universal access to operator networks for SIM swap, quality on demand, OTP and simple edge discovery...

Slicce platform merge both API sets and add on top, the CPaaS common API set and the VoLTE common API set.

5G Northbound APIs👍

GSMA Open Gateway👍

Programmable Voice👍

Programmable SMS👍

Programmable VoLTE👍

Read about our CPaaS API Exposure Function here

The 7 basics of API Exposure security embedded in Slicce Common API Framework Core Function | July 23, 2023

Application Level Firewall; Denial of service based on API logic.

Fail2ban; Denial of service for repetitive API requests of a same type.

Encryption; HTTP/2 with TLS 1.3 encryption.

oAuth; Periodic Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Policy Control; Selective access to specific API sets.

Rate Limit; Restrict number of API calls/hour.

Audit trail; Analysis of audit log for potential anomalies.

The link between 5G and OTT services | July 20, 2023

Both OTT has been major disruptors of the mobile telecommunication market in the recent years. OTT services have challenged the traditional business models of mobile operators by offering a variety of communication and entertainment services that can be accessed over the internet. These have eroded the demand for traditional voice and messaging services, which have been the main source of revenue for mobile operators.

In another end, these OTT services creates more demand for internet data comsuption and high end devices bringing mobile operators to invest more in network capacity and 5G. 5G, disrupting by its own the mobile telecommunication market bringing a technology that offers significantly faster speeds and lower latency than previous generations.

These 2 disruption factors are forcing mobile operators to adapt their business models and this disruption is still at its early stages. However, it is clear that mobile operators need to adapt their business models and to find new ways to generate revenue and reduce costs in order to remain competitive.

Once the mobile operators infrastructure is up-to-date with latest 5G infrastructure and basic connectivity services, it is time for these to come up with new services offering that can add value and generate revenues on top of the 5G connectivity service.

It is an opportunity for mobile operators to innovate and find new ways to serve their customers to adapt to the changing market, create differention and position for success in the future by leveraging 5G openness.

Slicce is an emerging company which have for misson "to empower telecommunication service providers with innovative self-contained lightweight cloud-native communications engines that enable them to monetize by creating value beyond standard connectivity."

How slicce business model is adapted to cloud business models? | July 17, 2023

Slicce business model is adapted to cloud business models by offering customers a flexible and cost-effective way to access and consume slicce network functions and services. Customers can choose from different options depending on their needs and preferences:

What are Self-contained Lightweight Cloud Communication Engines? | July 11, 2023

If you are looking for a way to improve your cloud communication capabilities, you might want to consider using self-contained lightweight cloud communication engines. These are software components that enable you to create, manage, and scale cloud-based communication services without relying on external dependencies or complex infrastructure.

Self-contained lightweight cloud communication engines have several advantages over traditional cloud communication solutions. Some of these are:

We split our cloud communication engines into 5 categories:

See our tech page here.

Network & Service exposure on 5G Edge | July 6, 2023

Mobile edge computing (MEC) is a paradigm that enables low-latency and high-bandwidth applications at the edge of the network, closer to the end users and devices. MEC can provide various benefits such as improved user experience, reduced network congestion, enhanced security and privacy, and new business opportunities. However, MEC also poses some challenges, especially in terms of network exposure and management.

Network exposure refers to the ability of network operators and service providers to expose their network capabilities and resources to third-party applications and services, in order to enable them to leverage the MEC infrastructure and offer value-added services to the end users. Network exposure can be achieved through standardized interfaces and protocols, such as 3GPP's Network Exposure Function (NEF) or ETSI's MEC Application Enablement Framework (AEF).

Network exposure on MEC can bring several advantages, such as:

However, network exposure on MEC also entails some challenges, such as:

Therefore, network exposure on MEC requires careful design and implementation, taking into account the technical, business, legal, ethical, and social aspects of the MEC environment. Network exposure on MEC is a key enabler for realizing the full potential of MEC as a platform for delivering innovative and user-centric applications and services at the edge of the network.

All eyes on CAMARA project API Families | July 2, 2023

CAMARA is a Linux Foundation project with the following objective:

Telco network capabilities exposed through APIs provide a large benefit for customers. By simplifying telco network complexity with APIs and making the APIs available across telco networks and countries, CAMARA enables easy and seamless access.

Here is a summary of the exposed APIs (at least as planned for now...)

⚈ CarrierBillingCheckOut API family

Provides functionality for enabling first the purchase and then the payment request against OB Carrier Billing Systems.

⚈ QualityOnDemand API family

Sets quality for a mobile connection (e.g. required latency, jitter, bit rate)

⚈ Blockchain Public Address API family

Manage a Blockchain Public Address associated to a phone number, i.e. to retrieve the blockchain public address(es) and to bind/unbind a Blockchain Public Address. The Blockchain Public Address is utilized as Decentralized Identifier (DID).

⚈ DeviceStatus API family

Check if a device is losing connection to the network or gets reachable again, and the roaming status.

⚈ NumberVerification API family

Verify the phone number associated with the SIM used in the device connected to the mobile data network.

⚈ DeviceLocation API family

Provides the customer with the ability to check the location of a device.

⚈ EdgeCloud API family

Provide and manage application images to be deployed on resources within the operator network, Use reserved compute resources within the operator network for the deployment of applications on VMs or containers and Influence the traffic routing from the user device toward the Edge instance of the Application.

Does CAMARA project do or will meets its objectives?

While EdgeCloud API family sounds exciting news to Edge application vendors, it seems that the other API families are quite limited and doesn't leave so much space for innovation. At Slicce, we want to provide all the tools to support innovation and that's why we work to enrich our API portfolio every day, leaving the liberty to manage API exposure and let application developers create new applications with a richer set of APIs.

Harmonization of 4G OCS with 3G and 5G cores | June 23, 2023

Replacing a telecom online charging system (OCS) is a painful process that involves many challenges and risks. An OCS is a complex system that handles the real-time billing and charging of telecom services, such as voice calls, data usage, SMS, roaming, etc. It interacts with many other systems, such as network elements, customer relationship management (CRM), provisioning, mediation, rating, etc. It also supports various business functions, such as pricing plans, promotions, discounts, bundles, etc.

Replacing an OCS requires a careful planning and execution of several steps, such as:

Therefore, replacing an OCS is a painful process that requires a lot of time, resources, and expertise. It should only be done when there is a clear business case and a well-defined strategy for minimizing the risks and maximizing the benefits. Making use of the charging interworking function (CHF-IWF) represents considerable cost and time savings and allows network operators to evolve their network cores without carying on the costs of implementing a new billing solution.

Self-healing hooks in slicce cloud communication engine foundation | june 15, 2023

One of the main challenges of 5G networks is to provide reliable and continuous service in a complex and heterogeneous environment. To achieve this, 5G networks need to have self-healing capability, which is the ability to detect, diagnose and recover from faults or anomalies automatically. Self-healing capability can improve the network performance, availability and resilience, as well as reduce the operational costs and human intervention.

To enable self-healing capability for a network or application function, slicce cloud communication engine foundation includes native implementations of Self-healing hooks. The hooks allows to extends the microservice capabilties to heal itself.

API monetization models with 3GPP Common API Framework | June 6, 2023

There are different types of API monetization models, such as direct, indirect, or hybrid models. Direct models charge for API access, while indirect models use APIs to create value for other products or services. Hybrid models combine elements of both direct and indirect models.

One example of a hybrid API monetization model is the 3GPP Common API Framework (CAPIF). CAPIF is a standard that defines how telecom operators can expose their network capabilities via APIs to third-party service providers. CAPIF enables operators to offer different levels of service quality, security, and charging options for their APIs. CAPIF also allows operators to share revenue with service providers based on the usage of their APIs.

CAPIF is a way for operators to leverage their network assets and create new revenue streams by partnering with service providers who can offer innovative and customized services to end-users. CAPIF also benefits service providers by giving them access to network features that can enhance their service quality and user experience.

5G developers can rely on Slicce cloud communication engine foundation | June 1, 2023

5G developers can rely on Slicce cloud communication engine foundation to rapidly deploy innovate 5G Application Functions.

Slicce is a powerful and flexible platform that enables 5G developers to create and manage 5G Application Functions with ease and efficiency. Slicce provides a rich set of features, such as scalability, security, reliability, and interoperability, that are essential for 5G applications. With Slicce, 5G developers can focus on their core business logic and deliver high-quality 5G services to their customers.

Our microservices are not only for 5G... | May 29, 2023

Aside our CAPIF Core Function implementation, we offer API Exposure Functions, Application Functions, Interworking Functions and Load Balancers to implemenent 3G, 4G & 5G services on cloud native infrastructures. See all API Exposure functions here.

The 3GPP Common API Framework Core Function | May 24, 2023

The Common API Framework Core Function is an element defined by 3GPP to harmonize all aspects of northbound service APIs. It covers functionality related to on-board and off-board API invokers, APIs that need to be exposed for registration and release, API discovery by third-party entities, and authorization and authentication. See how Self-Contained Lightweight Cloud Communication Engines can be used as API Exposure Functions inside our outside the PLMN domain. Read more here.

Mobile Value-Added Services cost cut | May 15, 2023

Cutting the capital and operational expenses of Mobile Value-Added Services by 50% is possible by leveraging cloud computing and 5G technologies to reduce infrastructure and improve service quality and performance.

See how we unified Mobile VAS across network generations and ensure lower costs using a microservice architecture here.

5G Northbound APIs and Machine Type Communications | May 9, 2023

So, where are we with 5G Northbound APIs and Machine Type Communications?

5G is not only about faster and more reliable connectivity for mobile devices. It also enables new applications and services that require low latency, high reliability, and massive scalability. One of these applications is Machine Type Communications (MTC), which refers to the communication between machines or devices without human intervention.

MTC can be used for various purposes, such as smart metering, industrial automation, smart agriculture, and vehicular communication. However, to realize the full potential of MTC, there is a need for a standardized and interoperable interface between the network and the applications. This interface is called the Northbound Application Programming Interface (NAPI), which allows applications to access network resources and capabilities in a flexible and efficient way.

The NAPI is one of the key features of 5G that differentiates it from previous generations of mobile networks. It enables network slicing, which is the ability to create multiple virtual networks with different characteristics and service levels on top of a common physical infrastructure. Network slicing can support diverse MTC use cases with different requirements and optimize network performance and resource utilization.

According to a recent report by Markets&Markets, the global market for 5G NAPIs is expected to grow from USD 189 million in 2020 to USD 2,734 million by 2026, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 56.1%. The report identifies the main drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends for this market, as well as the key players and their strategies.

Main growth drivers being:

But what about the security and privacy risks associated with exposing network data and capabilities to third-party applications?

See how Slicce's CAPIF Core Function addresses these risks and allow adoption of cloud-native and microservices-based architectures to enable scalability and agility of network functions and applications while enabling faster innovation and co-creation for the MTC industry stakeholders.

How Network Exposure Leads to Innovation |  April 27, 2023

In today's competitive and dynamic world, innovation is essential for any organization that wants to survive and thrive. Innovation is the process of creating new and better products, services, processes, or business models that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders. Innovation can also be a source of competitive advantage, differentiation, and value creation.

But how can organizations foster a culture of innovation? One of the key factors that influences innovation is network exposure. Network exposure refers to the extent to which an organization or an individual is connected to and interacts with diverse and relevant sources of information, knowledge, ideas, and feedback. Network exposure can occur within the organization (internal network) or outside the organization (external network).

Network exposure can lead to innovation in several ways. First, network exposure can increase the variety and quality of inputs for innovation. By accessing different perspectives, experiences, insights, and expertise from various sources, an organization or an individual can generate more novel and useful ideas for innovation. Network exposure can also help identify new opportunities, problems, challenges, trends, and customer needs that can inspire innovation.

Second, network exposure can enhance the evaluation and refinement of ideas for innovation. By exposing ideas to diverse and relevant feedback from various sources, an organization or an individual can test the validity, feasibility, desirability, and scalability of their ideas. Network exposure can also help improve the quality and efficiency of decision making by reducing biases, errors, and uncertainties.

Third, network exposure can facilitate the implementation and diffusion of innovation. By leveraging the resources, capabilities, relationships, and reputation of various sources, an organization or an individual can overcome the barriers and risks associated with innovation. Network exposure can also help increase the adoption and acceptance of innovation by creating awareness, trust, and legitimacy among potential users and stakeholders.

Therefore, network exposure is a vital factor that can foster a culture of innovation in any organization or individual. By expanding and diversifying their network exposure, organizations and individuals can enhance their creativity, learning, problem-solving, and performance. Network exposure can also help create a positive feedback loop that stimulates continuous improvement and innovation.

Slicce is launched |  April 18, 2023

We are excited to introduce Slicce; Self-containted Lightweight Cloud Communication Engines. A platform that enables you to create and deploy microservices for telecom core network applications. Slicce's communication engines are scalable, secure, and easy to use. You can either use them individually or combine them with others in a workload. Slicce's communication engines can help you achieve faster time-to-market, lower operational costs, and better customer experience. Learn more